Rudge Wheel conversions
In the past 18 years we have restored many Gullwings and 300SL Roadsters. We used to source the components for the rudge wheels from Canada, but they are available no more. So we decided to make our own. We have in stock the rear axel drive shafts, front hubs, wheel centres, knock-on caps and spare wheel carriers. We realised that prior to conversion, all 300SL’s have bolt on wheels and bolt on brake drums. We are able to convert both the wheels and the brake drums to rudge specifications.
As your car is most likely a long way from Brisbane, Australia, you will need to send us your wheels and brake drums. We will then return these to you with all necessary parts to do the conversion on your car. This is a fairly basic procedure. There are 2 versions in which rudge wheels were originally fitted, chromed centres with polished aluminium rims, or the wheels centres painted body colour with polished rims. In either case the wheel centers will be separated from the rims for these to be polished and the centres to be either chromed or painted. Then they will be reassembled, rivited exactly as original. The pictures will illustrate the difference.